COVID-19 FAQs for Pregnancy & Childbirth

Updated March 17, 2022

We want to reassure you that you, your baby and our team members are our first priority. As the largest healthcare system in Indiana, we are well positioned to adapt our approach to best meet your pregnancy care needs. Each patient’s care will be evaluated on an individual basis.

We have answered the following COVID-19 related questions to help ease concerns about your labor and delivery at this time.

Am I a high-risk person for COVID-19 while I’m pregnant?

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says if you are pregnant, you have an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. You also might be at increased risk of adverse outcomes, such as preterm birth, compared with pregnant individuals without COVID-19.

Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

The CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines for all people who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to get pregnant now or in the future. You can sign up for a COVID-19 vaccine by visiting

There is no evidence that fertility problems are a side effect of any vaccine, including COVID-19 vaccines.

Can my appointment be virtual or over the phone?

We will conduct some routine office visits by video or telephone based on your care needs. We are working hard to communicate changes before your visit, but please call your doctor’s office if you have any questions about your appointment.

Is it possible that I will be receiving care from a different doctor?

Whether part of your prenatal care, or delivery of your child, you will see a highly skilled IU Health OB/GYN provider. Often it will be your primary physician or a physician within the same practice. You can have confidence that our team of experts are working together to support and care for you.

When it comes to labor and delivery, can I have a support person with me, or will this be limited?

If you are admitted to an IU Health hospital and in labor, two visitors are allowed with you. The visitors must be the same people throughout the entire stay and must screen negative for COVID-19. For more information on visitor policies, visit our COVID-19 Visitor & Appointment Updates page.

Am I allowed to have a doula during labor and delivery?

Yes. A doula is considered part of your healthcare team.

Will I or my newborn be close or come in contact with any COVID-19 patients?

No. All patients and visitors are screened for COVID-19 upon entry. Patients with symptoms will not be near you or your newborn.

What if I test positive for COVID-19? Can I pass the infection to my newborn?

If you test positive for COVID-19, we can help you take steps to reduce the risk of infecting your baby. We will make sure you receive the follow-up care you need to best manage potential symptoms and complications of infection. Babies who test positive for COVID-19 generally recover completely, but it is a new illness and the risk to newborns is not entirely understood.

Will there be any changes in my care after delivery?

Postpartum care will remain relatively the same in hospital. Depending on your location, the nursery may be closed, in which case rooming-in will be encouraged. Well-check appointments and postpartum check-ups will be moved virtually if appropriate.

Will I be able to schedule a pre- or post-birth class, delivery suite tour or pediatric get-to-know you visits?

Depending on your location, classes, tours and visits have been cancelled or moved virtually. To view all classes and events, visit our Classes & Events listings. For further details, talk to your provider or call your office.

Visit our COVID-19 online resource center for the latest updates from IU Health. We value the trust you have placed in our skilled physicians, nurses and team members. We are proud to be your partner during this time. We will continue to bring an unwavering commitment to providing you and your baby with the compassionate, safe and quality care you deserve.